The Functionality of Music Through the Ages

Music has been closely linked with human existence since time immemorial, with the earliest forms of musical instruments dating back 40,000-45,000 years, around the time that Homo Sapiens started migrating from Africa to Europe. In the centuries that followed, music evolved alongside humans, and its scope and purpose diversified. Throughout history, music has served different functions in different eras and cultures - from being used as a means of communication to a source of entertainment. In recent years, the functionality of music has entered a whole new territory. Neuroscience experts believe that some frequencies of music and sound can potentially help reduce levels of stress, anxiety, and even help with sleep-related disorders. This remedial power of sound is at the crux of the science of music therapy. Before we delve into the latest developments in the utility of music, let us look at the different purposes it has served through the ages. Music for Communication Music is...